Award Winning animated Chinese stories from Shanghai Animation Film Studio (SAFS), brought to life in a whole new way with MagicPage, the premier digital interactive reading experience with animation, narration and music.
- Read and listen to the stories in 10 languages! English, Mandarin, Cantonese, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Korean and Hindi.
- Chinese stories from Shanghai Animation Film Studio (SAFS).
- Available for Purchase in the app for $3.99: "The Three Monks", "The Deer of Nine Colors" and "Monkeys Scoop Up the Moon". More titles coming soon.
- Educational and entertaining experience for schools, children and their parents featuring beautiful motion-graphics, animations, art, text, soundtracks and voiceovers seamlessly woven together as an interactive digital book.
- Blending together the best of interactive app and ebook, we tell stories in a whole new way.
- One tap multi-lingual feature to practice reading and listening in different languages!